Default number of returned entities.
- common.RET_ENTITIES_MAX_LIMIT = 1000
Maximum number of returned entities.
- common.create_response(code: int, body: List[dict] | dict) Dict[str, Any]
Create a response from some status code and response body.
The format of a standard response from any Flask API route is:
{ 'code': <number>, 'body': [ <zero or more of models.Model> ... ] }
- See also:
- common.is_dirty(value: str) bool
Check if the passed string contains dangerous characters.
Permitted characters/character ranges:
Uppercase letters [A-Z]
Lowercase letters [a-z]
Numbers [0-9]
Hyphen (-)
Underscore (_)
Backslash ()
Forward slash (/)
Period (.)
Comma (,)
Equals sign (=)
All other characters are considered dangerous.
- Returns:
if the string contains dangerous characters, elseFalse